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In addition to the rhythms in the body caused by the breath and the heartbeat, there is another subtle movement called the craniosacral rhythm, caused by the craniosacral system. This system was discovered by osteopathic physician Dr. John Upledger, and is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Dr. Upledger observed that restrictions in the flow of the craniosacral rhythm can lead to stress on the system that contributes to dysfunction and a decreased level of wellness.

From this observation, Dr. Upledger developed CranioSacral TherapyŽ, a gentle form of bodywork in which restrictions in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid are detected and corrected. A craniosacral therapist is trained to feel the subtle movement of the craniosacral rhythm and to detect areas of restriction in the skull, spine, and sacrum. Through a defined method of detection and release, craniosacral therapy increases the flow of blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid to the area. This method decreases pain and discomfort, thus helping to restore optimal function to the body's innate healing ability.

What happens during a Homeopathic Consultation?

Through private consultations at McDonald Chiropractic Clinic in Elkton, Maryland, Linda McDonald helps clients explore their unique profile of reaction to everyday triggers that can cause imbalances, such as stress, allergens, acute illnesses such as cold or flu, environmental influences etc. The homeopathic consultation includes assessing not only the presenting physical symptoms, but viewing the imbalance in the context of the whole person; how the symptoms affect you in your life, physically, emotionally and mentally.

The initial consultation requires up to two hours, during which time information is gathered from you that is used to devise a plan for healing your unique situation, using the homeopathic remedy that most closely matches your condition.

Based on the pattern of symptoms expressed by the individual, the homeopathic practitioner will recognize a 'symptom picture' and will select a homeopathic remedy for you that corresponds to your unique pattern of symptoms. Because people express symptoms uniquely, relative to their experience and susceptibilities, two people suffering from the same ailment would likely require different remedies. Thus each client receives an individualized recommendation.

Follow-up appointments are important to monitor your progress while using homeopathic remedies. During the follow-up visit, which generally takes place two to six weeks after the original consultation, the homeopathic practitioner will review all the changes that have occurred since the initial homeopathic remedy was taken.

A follow-up visit usually takes between 30 minutes and an hour. If the client reacted favorably to the initial remedy, the homeopathic practitioner will choose the ideal time for the administration of the second dose to rekindle the healing reaction. According to Dr. Andre Saine, D.C., N.D., "a well-chosen homeopathic remedy is like a spark that triggers a furnace to go on. When the furnace goes off, it is time to respark. As long as the person improves, there is no need to rekindle, just as there is no need to restart the furnace that is on." Through careful monitoring of changes that occur, an appropriate and effective strategy is developed to maintain an improved condition.

Please note that Linda McDonald, M.A., AAPCH, is not a medical professional, and does not diagnose or treat specific conditions. In homeopathy we do not treat diseases. Whether a person has an acute or chronic expression of disease, all of their symptoms form a whole representing a state of imbalance very specific to this individual. The goal of the homeopath is to recognize the pattern of disturbance through the unique expression of symptoms of a person and to identify among a great number of remedies available the one most homeopathic, or most similar to the patient's imbalance. Thus we look at the whole person as a unique individual and use our knowledge of homeopathic remedies to effect a shift in the whole person towards balance and health.

If you have been diagnosed with a specific condition by your medical doctor and receive medical treatment, you will be advised to continue this treatment. However, homeopathy can still benefit your overall health. After improvement with homeopathy occurs, many people find that they can work with their physician to decrease or eliminate prescription drugs.

In 1999, Linda McDonald completed training in CranioSacral TherapyŽ (see more information in sidebar) with the Upledger Institute. The CranioSacral System consists of the membranes and fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord. Since this system influences the development and performance of the brain and spinal cord, an imbalance or restriction could potentially lead to sensory, motor or neurological problems. Linda McDonald offers this modality to clients wishing to achieve greater balance in their health, and freedom from the negative effects of stress. She has found that combining homeopathy with CranioSacral TherapyŽ encourages a positive shift towards balance and well-being. A craniosacral session is very gentle and relaxing, and can benefit the following conditions:

Please contact us to discuss whether craniosacral therapy would be a beneficial option for you.

Linda McDonald has developed and presented lectures and workshops on use of homeopathy for various community organizations including the National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI), Lyme Disease Support Group, Parkinson's Support Group, Christiana Parenting Conference & Cecil County (MD) and Sussex County (DE) Libraries.

Topics offered include use of homeopathy for:

If you or your organization is interested in having Linda as a speaker, please contact us. Linda provides homeopathic and holistic healthcare and healing services to Cecil County, MD and Delaware area residents.